Education is the only solution for humanity to prosper. With an aim to help every child to get an education, Alkhidmat Khawateen Trust Pakistan has taken lead among all its competitors by providing education through free schooling and rehabilitation support to the poor and needy children. Alkhidmat’s helpful undertakings encircle all matters and issues related to education in Pakistan.
Education Program:
Education is the only solution for humanity to prosper. With an aim to help every child to get an education, Alkhidmat Khawateen Trust Pakistan has taken lead among all its competitors by providing education through free schooling and rehabilitation support to the poor and needy children.
The importance of education cannot be denied especially in today’s modern scientific age. Our Prophet (PBUH) said
“It is obligatory for every man and woman to attain knowledge.” (Al Tirmindhi).
Education is not only a basic human right but also a basic necessity for a society. Be it the slums area striving to impart the wealth of knowledge to different segments of society. Be it the slums areas where we are operating primary schools and Child Protection Centers which provide education at minimum fees or our Madrasa and Nazra Quran centers, Al Khidmat’s work in this regard is wide spread. Stipends to deserving and brilliant students are also provided for their higher education.
We are also running our exclusive weekend Islamic schools by the name of “Stars of Islam” in posh areas where children are taught to distinguish clearly between good and evil, which in turn makes them confident and practicing Muslims.
“The acquisition of knowledge is a duty incumbent on every Muslim, male and female.” (Al-Hadith)
As Salam O Alaikum, my name is Ghulam Rahim. I live in a village named Ganu at Tharparkur Sindh. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. My brother is a labourer. Seeking education in these circumstances was very difficult for me. Alkhidmat provided free Primary Education at Chonra School. Afterwards they gave me Alfalah Scholarship upto my intermediate studies. I then went to Alkhidmat Degree College in Mithi to seek admission in Graduation classes. I am now teaching 100 students in the same school. Alhamdullah I am now a role model likewise for my students and the area people. My students also want to follow my example and want to become Teacher like me so they can also teach poor and deserving children.
– Ghulam Rahim – Tharparkur, Sindh